Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thou Shalt Not...
I've been a bit of a slacker on the blogging front! So sorry!!
It's not that I've lost interest in blogging about my life...anything but that. It's just that my life has been getting in the way of blogging about it!
We've been renovating our kitchen, repaving our driveway, I've been dealing with a bit of a situation with my boss at work and generally have been logging onto my blog, reading everyone elses posts and feeling a bit blah about what I have to say...didn't feel inspired at all :)
Perhaps it's an identity crisis - I'm not flash enough (and to be quite honest I'm too time pressed) to be uploading photos of our reno's and scouring the internet for lovely decor shots that exemplify my 'vision' I'm not aspiring to be a home decor blog.
I decided with this blog (unlike my earlier blogging effort) to limit shots of my KAT's as I want to stay 'anonymous' in blogland...and keep my children that way I'm not a mummy blog that 'shares' everything about my life...not that there's anything wrong with that sort of blog...I LOOOVE seeing photos of other people's kids!
So, I've been a bit indecisive about WHAT to post! I'm sure it's just a temporary affliction and I'll be back into my groove shortly! In the meantime today's KATCapers blog post is on the topic of mummy dinners....
With two of the KAT's a few years into school and the youngest KAT yet to start, I'm a bit thin on the ground when it comes to 'mummy' catch-ups. I see my mother's group friends every couple of months but we are all flat out in our lives and catching up more frequently is quite a stretch.
Instead, my 'mummy dinner' invitations these days are through school and involve going out to a restaurant for a catchup with the mum's (never the dad's) for a meal once a term.
When our oldest started school I embraced these occasions with religious fervour - I was a newbie to the school thing and really wanted to fit I was an early RSVP'er and enjoyed them immensely.
It was probably by about Year 2 that the enthusiasm started to wane...the conversation was invariably the same, there was often a decent dose of gossiping going on about what other people were doing/saying and I had sorted out those that I could be friends with from those that I would rather avoid in the interests of quelling any sudden urge to strangle them!
Funnily enough, I can usually tolerate the mums from our middle KAT's year but the one's from the oldest KAT's carry the burden of generally being people I'd rather slit my wrists than have to endure two hours of their tedious conversation and perspective-less lives!!!
Hence, in the 2011 school year I have become that person that I've always silently disliked when it was me sending the emails to people...the one who neither acknowledges receipt, nor RSVP's in the negative...just silently fails to respond AT ALL!! I just decided that I wasn't going to make excuses for not participating, I was just going to become invisible...if I don't say ANYTHING then I don't give certain people any ammunition to talk about me (hopefully).
When I choose to do the mummy dinner thing, it's a joy because it's with people I want to be with and have something new (or old) to talk about...not just making polite conversation's so refreshing to let go of that desire to be 'liked' and to 'fit in' and JUST NOT GO otherwise!
Love this quote from Pinterest, may possibly be my mantra for the week :))
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