Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wishes and Dishes

So the school holidays are almost done. As opposed to last holidays these ones were a festival of restraint. No driving holidays to Victoria, no grand ambitions just softly, softly lest I undo all the good work I've done in the last couple of months to be in a better place physically (and psychologically).

Months ago I organized a spot at pony camp for Middle KAT. Every young girls dream - a residential camp for five nights! It will do nothing to dispel her ambitions of owning her own piece of horse flesh but we can handle that!

Pony camp wouldn't be right without a matching polo shirt:)

For the rest of us it's been time at home. Oldest KAT has had a few catch ups with friends (we aren't allowed to call them play dates). Youngest KAT has had a friend staying. A boy no less! They are so lovely together, not a cross word between them!

Tonight I cooked up the best roast clucker!! It was a veritable feast of lemon and thyme stuffed chook with my famous gravy and roast potatoes. I'm a legend in my own Scanpan!!!

Ah school holidays, who said you have to be stressful!

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